Community Management

Sustainable management of communities and the environment

Gestion de comunidades Sigea Software

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Development in harmony with the environment

We are at a time when a project will only be economically sustainable if it is in harmony with the socio-environmental factors it affects.

At SIGEA, it has never been easier to incorporate a vision of Corporate Sustainability, where risk control and business assurance is carried out through efficient stakeholder management. Said stakeholders, are identified and organised according to sensitivity, impact and relevance.


Identifying stakeholders in a project requires recognising the social issue that affects those involved, not only the nearby communities, which due to their geographic proximity could be subject to some direct or indirect socio-environmental impact, but also other relevant stakeholders such as NGOs, citizen organisations, and even government entities, suppliers or the shareholders/equity holders themselves.

SIGEA helps you to draw up a stakeholder influence map according to the degree of relevance of those involved, the relationships between them and possible risks to the project derived from these issues.

Community commitments

Once the socio-environmental factors affected by the project have been identified and prioritised, SIGEA allows you to work in an orderly manner on initiatives that help manage these communities and strategies to socially integrate the benefits of the project. 

The agreed-upon measures, which aim to move the influence map according to stakeholders’ needs, dynamics and logic, become a commitment and, therefore, we help you to ensure their correct fulfilment.

Management, control and monitoring

In order to fulfil the commitments made, SIGEA provides you with a module that allows the management and control of initiatives and projects in the area of communities. We will also help you to optimise the control, management and reportability of the community area and to correctly follow-up the initiatives or projects, communications and inform stakeholders.

How do we do it?

01. Identify socio-environmental factors involved

The Sigea® Community Management module allows a specialist to keep an organised register of stakeholders, where they can be displayed by category of identification, characterisation and classification.

02. Assess risks and prioritise

02. Assess risks and prioritise SIGEA allows you to recognise where the priorities are in the work with the communities, depending on the detected influence of the identified stakeholders and the level of sensitivity to the socio-environmental issues that affect your project. 

In this way, you can generate an efficient list of Community Commitments that control risks, so your team can be prepared for any eventuality.


03. Manage

Our platform allows the organisation to define the access that each user can have, in order to have a hierarchical control of the tasks to be performed. This allows those in charge of each area to have a clean view of the issues they need to address, while senior users can have an overview of the management of the area in charge of the communities. 


At this point, the best tool is the Communications Module within Community Management, which allows you to not only view the list of communications with their respective tabs, with detailed information, but also to edit and view the related stakeholders, in addition to uploading supporting documents. 

04. Report

Both internally and externally, our platform allows reports to be generated that help to communicate the progress and results of community management and the fulfilment of agreements, objectives and goals with the stakeholders. Therefore, the performance of the community management area can be evaluated while each stage is being worked on, to ensure the sustainability of operations and minimise risks. 

The company can show all the information with details in their sustainability reports.


Destacados de Gestión de Comunidades

Intuitive interface

Easily create, monitor, modify or delete elements such as stakeholders, commitments and communications.



Manage and generate periodic reports quickly and effortlessly.


Rank and Tiered Permissions

Users are only allowed to view and manage the information they have been given access to according to their rank.

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